Okay, the memory of camping with Dad and Ang is a little faint.

But, I remember a particular fishing trip at Flaming Gorge...It was me, Dad, and Jamie. We had sooo much fun. Jamie was playing the limbo on deck with "Chubby Checker". She would dance and dance to her choice of music.
Dad, of course, sat there arm on the steering wheel, shaking his head.
So, we were out on the rocks fishing. My dad was teaching me how to really fish. We were in a bass hot spot and determined to catch one. We were pretty dedicated anglers. Jamie was across the little cove from us...rockin' out on the rocks. As it started to rain, she was singing "Feels so goood comin' down" (Old 7-up commercial). Of course, she starts squealing because she
accidentally caught a fish. We ran to help, but it was gone before we got there. She proved her method was the most effective by catching another just a couple minutes later.
Dad and I just sat there shaking our heads.
I love the Gorge. Cold mornings and chocolate licorice. Funny, I don't remember catching that much!
I love you Dad!