Monday, September 29, 2008

a long time ago...

I thought, I should blog about my dad. But, I tend to get all gloopy with emotion and erase it in the end. But, this one will stick. I may even let others read it, who knows.

Right now, I just want a place where we can all express our love and support for him.

So, please leave your love and well-wishes in your comments. We would all love a few more fighters in our corner.



lisa said...

my little sister angie is mareied to mike. he is the neatest guy in the whole world. he can make u laugh no matter how bad of a day u are having. my sister luvs mike with all her heart and soul. thanks mikey for being the best brother in the world. i luv u man!!8) luv lisa

Mom said...

Looks like this love and support thing has got a little off-track. OK, here's the good stuff. A long, long, long time ago, Mike and I met at the Ogden colliseum (that has since burned down). He rode horses and so did I. His bucked and so did mine, sometimes. We fell in love, married, struggled thru some hard times and best of all had 2 beautiful daughters who look and act much like their father. They always make me laugh. I'm so thankful that we had them. And now, they are fortunate enough to have little sister Spencer join them. Angie, you're a strong, loving, supportive wife and Mike is so lucky to have you. Keep him around for us - we're not finished with him yet.

Karen said...

We LOVE Mike! I could just leave it at that! Mike is so much fun to be around! My little crazy 3 year old Karter has a special place in his heart for Mike. Maybe it is their love of "Cougars" (old cars)! Karter is always talking about Mike and Angie and Spencer. We love you Mike. You are a very stong person. God will never give us anything he doesn't think we are stong enough to handle. Love you forever and ever.